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Use github secret in Ansible play without making it clear text

How can I use github secrets in Ansible play without them being visible in clear text?Currently, I invoke ansible play using the “oracle linux automation manager” API from github actions.While calling...

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Masking IBAN codes in C#

I have some IBAN code. For example it is Germany IBAN: DE12500123456789012345. I need to mask it and get result like this: DE*****12345*******345. But since the length of IBAN is different for each...

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Angular 6 ngx-mask plugin, multiple masks on same input field

So i use this plugin https://github.com/JsDaddy/ngx-mask to mask an input field dynamically (while user is typing). So for example if my mask only accepts 123 and they type abc nothing will happen. The...

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Apply a mask based on NDSI to another set or independent values

I am trying apply a mask based on the Normalized difference Snow Index (NDSI) to filter another set of independent values that calculate the red green normalized ratio (rgnd).The problem is whenever I...

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How to use open CV to remove object from the selected part of an image...

Everyone I'm trying to implement the openCV to remove objects from images by selecting on it but when I select the part to remove by making a square on it then that part will blur with removing the...

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Keras multiple inputs masking

I am building a LSTM model with multiple inputs (the number is given by n_inputs). I scaled the inputs in (0, 1) and replaced all the NaN of the inputs with -1. Now I want the model to ignore such NaN...

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Unity World Space UI that renders in front of gameobjects but is still maskable

So here's the gyst. I'm working on creating a Head Up Display (HUD) such as is found in military jet aircraft among others. To do this, I have a world space canvas which contains the HUD display...

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The given code fails for larger values even after changing variable from int...

This was the problem statement.*Complement of Base 10 IntegerThe complement of an integer is the integer you get when you flip all the 0's to 1's and all the 1's to 0's in its binary representation.For...

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Mask div using CSS

Ok so say i'm using the follow setup for my divs:.background will contain an image..overlay will have a semitransparent white background for the overlay.inner would effectively mask out a rectangle the...

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Why Doesn't an Exception Occur in Keras When Masking is Disabled and...

I have a question regarding the mask propagation mechanism in Keras that I don't quite understand. As far as I know, if a custom layer does not implement self.compute_mask() and has...

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How to mask user input for password field in github workflow_dispatch

Below is the github actions workflow:name: CALLERDB - ADon: workflow_dispatch: inputs: DBLoginID: description: 'Enter the user id' required: true type: string my_password: description: 'Enter your...

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Formatting form input Digits entries in real time is replacing the typed digit

I am trying to format a Date field entry in real-time and running into some trouble.<input class="form-control ex2" type="text" @bind="salesForm.FollowUpDate" @bind:event="oninput"...

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InputMask of react-input-mask doesn't work with setValue of react-hook-form

I'm trying to extract infos from an api with useEffect and set the values of the inputs with those infos with setValue. I'm using react-hook-form toouseEffect(() => {const getData = async () => {...

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Create an alternative ID in query Oracle SQL

I am trying to add a column in a SQL query to use as an alternative ID.The data has this format:UserID | Value---------------1 | 232 | 101 | 45I'd like to create another column that is another number...

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Quasar 2 vue js mask issue with thousand operator with optional decimal places

I am trying to use thousand operator with optional decimal places allow but not working with quasar default maskplease check below is my code i am using<q-input v-model="column"...

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Masking in pytorch TransformerEncoder

I am wondering how you can make TransformerEncoder predict mask values in the training session. Currenlty what I am doing is that the parts I am "masking" in the input vector is to change their value...

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how can i see all users who have unmask permissions on a db sql server?

I have some columns that have been masked, how can I see the users who have the rights to see those fields?Thanks.

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htaccess rewrite to subfolder not masking

I want to redirect https://example.com/folder to https://example.com/otherfolder/anotherfolder but have the address bar still display https://example.com/folder.None of the .htaccess tutorials on doing...

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Masking in power BI

In my power Bi dashboard I need to mask the data based on user who logs in,Can this be done in dashboard level by calling oracle user defined function?If I use a flag in oracle DB view itself can power...

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Merge Vectors In APL

Using Dyalog APL I would like to take a Mask Vector where '-' means use the original character and any other character is to replace that position in the Data Vector. So in the example below, Mask 'a'...

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How to smoothly apply currency mask in MUI DataGrid?

I'm trying to apply the monetary mask inside editable cells, not with a final value, but after every digit.I almost have success utilizando Intl.NumberFormat, but they don't get smoothly.I am trying:...

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Change in line slope affecting fill_between

I currently have a curve defined by (x_orig, y_orig), and I want to plot the shaded region between two new curves defined by (x_orig - c, y_orig) and (x_orig + c, y_orig). When using matplotlib's...

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How to feed or mask missing data to RNN, LSTM, and GRU with pytorch?

I have a dataset that contain ~10% of random missing values.The data consist of repeated measures determined by the variable DIM, where each row is one day of data for an individual, each individual...

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How to format FirebaseFirestore Phone field with Mask when retrieved in...

I am building Flutter Application and retrieve data from FirebaseFirestore just fine and display the values in TextEditingController just fine. I retrieve the data this way:_controllerMemberCellPhone =...

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Masking in logback.xml with all request and responses

I am using logback.xml to mask sensitive data for logging which works fine<appender name="DATA_MASK" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender"><encoder...

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Python ValueError in broadcasting although right shapes

I have a problem in a bigger python project.This ist the code I'm trying to implement. I'm trying to find out in which interval of a0 the points in a lie (there will be a lot more points in the problem...

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SVG file not being used as CSS mask

I want to use an SVG file as a mask for some images. However, it is not being used, and instead hides the entire image. I included it separately to check whether the path was wrong, but as an image it...

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Getting line 593 Killed error after antsRegistrationSynQuick with mask

I am trying to register a subject CT scanner with 8 electrodes on the brain (Hounsfield > 3000) on the MNI MRI.antsRegistrationSyNQuick.sh -d 3 -f subject_ct.nii.gz -m MNI.nii.gz -o reg_masked_ -t s...

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Tensorflow map_fn do not pass variable to lambda function

I am trying to code BERT model, with 15% token masked. To create mask token, I first create a tensor with actual length (85% first token is 1, the other is 0) with sequence_mask. Then I shuffle it,...

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SQL Server : consistent data encryption/masking while read

I would like to check with you regarding dynamic data encryption/masking when reading from a SQL Server database.To elaborate further, the data elements should be encrypted/masked when a set of users...

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